How I Made It Over5/31/2016 ![]() Each time I get closer to it, it just seems to drift farther and farther away, but I know SOMEBODY who is a Keeper irrespective of my impending meeting with ultra-success and superstardom (which are both empty on an eternal level anyway). And that is what I stand on... that is what keeps me sane and carries me through each and every day of this stifling condition called sameness which haunts me incessantly. I KNOW Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think according to the power that worketh in me. ~Eric Bendross
New Mobile App à la Eric Bendross9/26/2014
![]() Watch this brief South Beach Tow clip and comment if you remember how Eddie and Eric went head-to-head in a Miami Subs Grill drive-thru. Can you name the title of this episode? Post by Eric Bendross. Please take 2 minutes to vote for Survivors In Action, Inc's own Ms. Alexis Moore, a phenomenal powerhouse and champion for victims of all forms of abuse. By clicking on the photo below and voting for Ms. Moore, you'll be contributing to a great cause with just a few mouse clicks.
"My husband Rene Michael Lima-Marin was incarcerated in 1998 at the age of 19 and served 10 years of his 16 year sentence for robbery in which he used an unloaded gun and no one was hurt. He was released in 2008 and placed on parole which he successfully completed in 2013. But in January 2014 it was determined that a clerical error had been made and he was sent back to prison for an additional 90 years.
During his six years of freedom, Rene strived to be a productive member of society. He had been rehabilitated and took full advantage of this second chance; we had a child, purchased a home, and got married. He coached his step-son’s soccer team, mentored other youth to stay out of trouble, and maintained full time employment so he could support our family. To take him away from our family and lock him up for the rest of his life is unjust. I certainly do not want to make light of the mistakes that Rene made as a teenager but I do call into question the life sentence Rene and our family faces. Does a man that was formally released from the penal system, met all the conditions of this release, and turned his life around deserve this type of justice? Are we as a society really willing to accept that a clerical error is enough justification to rip apart a family? Rehabilitate means to help re-adapt, as to a former state of health or good repute. The entire penal system was created to rehabilitate and restore individuals to be productive members of society. Please sign my petition asking Attorney General John Suthers, Arapahoe County Chief Judge William Blair Sylvester, and Colorado Appeals Chief Judge Alan Loeb to release Rene from this unjust sentencing. I ask for this so he may return home where he can continue to be a tax paying model employee, an engaged and loving father and a supportive husband." ~ Jasmine Lima-Marin Jasmine, you know that you and Rene have my full support! I truly CANNOT put into words just how much this whole situation disgusts me...the grave miscarriage of justice by our legal system is beyond disappointing and disheartening. It is downright malicious in my opinion! But I won't continue to remind of you of the negative or obvious as we HAVE to remain positive and hopeful; keeping the faith no matter what! Because we know WHO we belong to! And no weapon formed against us shall prosper! Therefore, I will continue to spread the word the best that I know how as I also keep you both in my prayers. May you, Rene and your beautiful family be blessed with brighter days soon. ~Eric Bendross "On January 2nd, 2014, United States Air Force veteran, Vizion Bryan Jones arrived by ambulance to Grady Memorial Hospital with a life threatening illness. While waiting to be seen Jones collapsed unto a stretcher. A member of the Grady security ordered Jones off of the stretcher, when he was unable to comply –due to his illness— reinforcement was called and Jones was assaulted, battered and arrested, without being treated at Grady hospital. Later Jones would be diagnosed with having the Swine-Flu upon receiving treatment at the Atlanta Veterans Administration hospital, by which time several others had already been exposed to Jones. We are asking that Grady Memorial hospital stop the malicious prosecution -wasting tax payer’s money and the court’s time—in prosecuting an ill veteran by signing this petition." ~Tausha Tate
To sign this petition, please click here. Thanks in advance for your attention and support. A Profound Word by Eric Bendross5/7/2013 ![]() A relationship is not the easiest connection to maintain. Adequate attention and nurturing is required to sustain its health. Ideally, both parties should possess a giving-spirit, patience, be empathetic and willing to put forth maximum effort towards the furtherance of their union. However, the most essential ingredient that ensures the good health and longevity of any relationship is the welcoming of the ALMIGHTY into the equation. The LORD must come first and abide through and through. Regarding a GOD-fearing man and woman who are courting; each with the desire for marriage: If you have been seeking the affection, delight and fondness of the one you desire you will NEVER truly attain it on a long-standing basis if that individual does not consistently see and experience the glory of GOD in you. However, with this revelation now, your motivation for glorifying GOD cannot be to ascertain your beloved's affection and attention. Your intentions toward the ALMIGHTY must be pure (a submitted heart is required) in order for you to truly be blessed and come into the blissful promises that GOD has made you. Reference: Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" Simply put: once you truly desire to be like CHRIST and passionately begin seeking to please our HEAVENLY FATHER with all of your heart (How? read 2 Peter 1:1-11 paying particular attention to verses 5-10, James 2:14-26, 1 Corinthians 13 and Galatians 5 especially verses 16-26) all of your heart's desires will just automatically start coming to you. It'll be like flies to waste (for lack of a better word *smile). The latter part of Psalm 84:11 (NLT) says "...The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right." So Numb by Eric Bendross5/6/2013 ![]() So numb, so numb, so numb, I'm just so numb... She beat it out of me 'til there was nothing left She put my heart in a vice-grip 'til I bled to death What kind of woman does this to a man I can hardly understand Matter of fact it's beyond me I'm blinded by the love I have... no, it's a disease! Oh, she's got me for sure this time Now, I'm just a walking zombie! So numb, so numb, so numb I'm just so numb She made me into this monster of a man, this is who I am Gangrene of the heart is what it's come to be Pure chaos in overdrive will override all hope for a future of brightness I'm consumed by this darkness Yet I'm releasing my broken heartedness Now, I just can't believe I'm so numb, I'm so numb just bury me now I'm so numb, so numb but wait... There is hope, something to live for, No don't close the door on this weary man whose let his passion gain the upper hand Fear not young champion for fear hinders progress to this I must digress Never let anyone tear you down Keep you from wearing your crown Rise up and be the King and Queen that you are You're a star shining bright (on) this side of the hemisphere Now you're here, you've arrived and you don't have to feel so numb. ![]() About the Man: I recently had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with Mr. Alex Holland who is a uniquely humble young fellow because while he possesses a noble degree of humility; he simultaneously brims with confidence and passionate ambition. Furthermore, I find him to be quite the talented young man as this twenty-five year old Miami, Florida native and Southern Methodist University graduate has laid claim to the richly coveted helm of NextWave Enterprises, LLC's Sales Division. Regarding his years spent at SMU in Dallas, Texas, Holland had this to say: " have more of that humble kind of... guys open doors for girls… there’s a different way of thinking". Fresh out of high school with a positive outlook on his future, Alex admits that his talent was not the distinguishing factor but it was that motivation to compete; " anything I do, I want to win" He goes on to say: "Sports was one of the first things where I competed... I always had that competitive desire and that put me over the edge, so I worked and I prepared. I had that mental toughness early on" this is what Alex says separated him from the pack; hard work and preparedness. He also shared this: "...growing up here (Miami) you're exposed to things at an earlier age than most and you may not even realize it until you are able to move to another city." But Mr. Holland now characterizes himself as a gentleman that puts others before himself. "Putting other people before myself... I enjoy it... I enjoy seeing other people know, that guy in high school that was sitting by know, there was something about that that made me feel weird so I would befriend him!" Holland exclaims. POST COLLEGE: Immediately following graduation Alex made a surprising move by taking on an immense challenge, never being one to be afraid of throwing himself into the fray; he abruptly relocated to begin working for a firm in one of their obscure Midwest satellite offices. While many of his friends were out partying and enjoying themselves Alex says: "I put myself in a position where I didn't let circumstances… whether it be the economy or other external pressures that were around didn't let that get to me. I fought my way to be able to put myself in a position to where I knew I had something coming out of school. And I ended up choosing to move out to Oklahoma City, OK, not knowing a single soul out there, to work in a small satellite office for a firm that... may or may not make it. So, knowing that this was going to be short-term but this was going to be my area of growth... this is my path because I saw myself in an area that I'm going to learn by doing working and that's always been my mentality: learn by doing" Oddly enough, during his high school years Alex always worked hospitality and food service type jobs but his Father steered him away from this which is likely why he ended up in sales. About the Company: "NextWave Enterprises, LLC formerly Genesis Capital Enterprises was started in Long Island, New York solely as a funding company. Its management has grown the company exponentially and since moved the headquarters to Miami, Florida. As a funding company, our goal is to provide cash advances to businesses that seek to expand, but may not have the ability to obtain capital [not business loans because we're not a lending institution]. We would like to be the bridge that connects the business owner to their goals and aspirations, and ultimately transform their ideas to reality so that they can continue to build their business. How we do it, is we do a simple calculation based on their recent gross sales, and then we fund the business against their future receivables. What that means is that the only thing we have to secure our capital is the business’s future Visa/ MasterCard sales, so there is a large amount of risk involved. We started very simple; just on funding future Visa/ MasterCard receivables, if you were a restaurant and you needed working capital at a time when businesses could not even think about getting a loan from that of a bank, I mean unless your name's Donald Trump (laughs)'re not getting a loan from a bank today... it's just... the window is gone... no bank is going to take that risk anymore that's where the market is... and that's where we come in and we offer them a way to provide the capital. It is an amazing product! But we have to be careful about who we work with. I am the guy that finds new ways to get people in the door, but our underwriters are the ones who have to make those hard decisions! That's why I consider our Underwriting Department to be one of the backbones of our company... the underwriters assess the risk of the business before we shell out any money". – Alex Holland Alex Holland was meticulous in answering all of my questions as evidenced by the following: What sets NextWave Enterprises apart from its competitors? What makes NextWave stand above its competitors is that there is no other company that is truly self-funded like we are! This means that we are the true, direct source of working capital. Most companies in the industry have to reach out to other banks in order to fund, which can elongate the funding process and put a constraint on the business relationship. On the other hand, with us, it’s as simple as the click of a button. This allows us to fund more quickly and efficiently, sustain long-term funding relationships, and ultimately help drive our bottom line! Our world-class support system is by far what sets us apart from our competitors. We believe the only way to ensure profitability is to always make sure our clients are happy. It helps us build long-term relationships and also eliminates the risk of the merchant shutting their doors on us as we govern ourselves with honesty and transparency. Unlike most Cash Advance companies, we have flexible payback programs, which allow us to offer some of the most competitive rates. It also allows for flexible payment schedules to help ease the cash flow for our Merchants. We also have launched a new Restaurant Starter Program where we can help brand new restaurants as long as they are open for business! Please detail what role you play within the company? I manage our sales office, specifically our direct sales channel. I am on the front lines dealing directly with the Merchant! One of my objectives is to implement new marketing programs so we can always stay a step ahead of our competitors. Even though we are an upcoming company, we have grown quickly. The growth is a representation of our vision to stay ahead of the curve with the development of new technology, strong bank relationships, and new value-added marketing programs for our Merchants and ISO's. Please give us an explanation of the two company names or brands (NextWave Enterprises LLC and NextWave Funding)? NextWave Enterprises is the umbrella LLC that represents our two large divisions; NextWave Funding and NextWave Merchant Services. What personal goals do you want to reach within NextWave Enterprises? I always set higher expectations than those around me and I have always had to prove myself because of my age. A mentor once told me, the concept of "given the right incentives, people will act in the most productive of ways". Sales drive businesses across the globe and ours is no different, but it is the employees that will always keep the machine moving forward. Personally, I would like to continue to assist with the growth of the company because I truly believe that there is uncapped potential in the space. We have made a nice dent in the space, but we have a long way to go! NextWave Enterprises, LLC funds a variety of different businesses from beauty salons to boutiques to restaurants and bakeries to automobile repair, print and bike shops to furniture stores and the list goes on and on, so if your business is in need of working capital you just might want to give Alex Holland a call. Dial 305-571-7300 to speak to him directly and be sure to let him know that you saw this article as well.
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May 2016